
ARTS AND SCIENCES: TWO VOICE MEETINGS FROM THE FLORENTINE MUSEUMS. Masks, change of identity and ambiguity from Prehistory to Michelangelo, by Fabio Martini (Museo e Istituto Fiorentino di Preistoria) and Marcella Marongiu (Casa Buonarroti)

A night at the Museum by Fondazione Casa Buonarroti and Associazione PabloTangoFirenze, within the projects Welcome and Tango T21

ARTS AND SCIENCES: TWO VOICE MEETINGS FROM THE FLORENTINE MUSEUMS. Metamorphosis from nature to art: Michelangelo and the Apuan marble, by Marco Benvenuti (Sistema Museale di Ateneo) and Elena Lombardi (Casa Buonarroti)

ARTS AND SCIENCES: TWO VOICE MEETINGS FROM THE FLORENTINE MUSEUMS. Between art and science: Michelangelo and his anatomical studies, by Marcella Marongiu (Casa Buonarroti) and Claudia Corti (La Specola, SMA)

You don’t think how much blood it costs. The Pietà for Vittoria Colonna.
Conference by Carlotta Mazzoncini, Professor of Italian Literature at the Niccolò Cusano University

Ungrateful Florence. Dante, Michelangelo and exile.
Conference by Antonio Corsaro, Professor of Italian Literature at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo

Michelangelo and Dante’s inspirations in the Last Judgment.
Conference by Cristina Acidini, President of the Casa Buonarroti Foundation

Michelangelo, Botticelli, the cult of Dante, Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco.
Conference by Alessandro Cecchi, Director of the Casa Buonarroti Foundation

Michelangelo Buonarroti the Younger (Florence 1568 – 1647) The cult of memory

Webinar The Artemisia Connection, by Cristina Acidini, Elizabeth Wicks and Linda Falcone

With the generous permission of the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Washington, D.C.

Video presentation of the activities of Casa Buonarroti, within the network Musei Welcome Firenze

ARTS AND SCIENCES: TWO VOICE MEETINGS FROM THE FLORENTINE MUSEUMS. Observing and representing Truth. The network between Galileo Galilei, Michelangelo the Younger and the painter Artemisia Gentileschi, by Elena Diacciati (Museo Galieo) and Elena Lombardi (Casa Buonarroti)

ARTS AND SCIENCES: TWO VOICE MEETINGS FROM THE FLORENTINE MUSEUMS. Constellations and Myths. The celestial vault and the New Sacristy as microcosm, by Silvia Giomi (Fondazione Scienza e Tecnica) and Marcella Marongiu (Casa Buonarroti)

ARTS AND SCIENCES: TWO VOICE MEETINGS FROM THE FLORENTINE MUSEUMS. The Secrets of Paper, by Ilenia Ulivi (Museo Galileo) and Francesco Baudone (Casa Buonarroti)

Video presentation of the Casa Buonarroti Museum in LIS (Italian Sign Language)

Michelangelo on the side of Night?
 – Presentation by Cristina Acidini President of the Fondazione Casa Buonarroti

A commentary through images to the sonnet

Colui che fece e non di cosa alcuna

(Rime, 104)

Michelangelo e la “maniera di figure piccole” – Presentation of the book by Marcella Marongiu

Casa Buonarroti …an honourable house in the city…