Capricci luterani?

Do Michelangelo’s sculptures, frescoes and poems reflect Catholic orthodoxy, or are they rather the work of a follower of the Reformation forced into secrecy? The question of Michelangelo’s religiosity is still debated, often favouring all too one-sided perspectives. The volume Capricci luterani? Michelangelo artista e poeta nel contesto del dibattito religioso del Cinquecento, edited by Christine Ott , Hans Aurenhammer, Marc Föcking and Alessandro Nova (De Gruyter 2023), which brings together contributions from the fields of art history, literary studies and the history of religion, aims to address the question in all its complexity.

The volume will be presented by Giuseppe Crimi, Associate Professor of Italian Literature at the University of Roma Tre, and Massimiliano Rossi, Professor of Museology and Art Criticism and Restoration at the University of Salento, on 21 September 2023, at 5 p.m., in the conference room of the Casa Buonarroti.

The presentation is open to the public up to the maximum capacity allowed by security regulations.